About Shashi Dubey
Shashi Dubey
Spiritual Life Coach
As a company desires to grow and spread across a city, country, or even the world, so Shashi desires to create future mentors who can carry on the “Gyan Prakash” – Light of Knowledge long after he is gone. For Shashi, he is but one of many who partake in the opportunity of pointing people to great love, peace, and enlightenment. Like a helpful bystander pointing the way, Shashi desires to make it known that he is a signpost on the way and not the way itself. “I am simply here to help” Shashi Dubey says with a smile. In fact, from a very young age, Shashi had a strong sense that his life mission was to help people discover the deeper meaning of life.
For Shashi, he wants to help people break out of the circular, ego-serving rut of materialism and excess and see into a world that is full of peace, joy, and most of all, love. For Shashi, a deep contemplative peace – both with oneself and with the world around them – is the best way to help create a world that acts justly, loves mercy, and walks in humility. By doing so, we count others needs as more important than our own self-gratifying desires that are really nothing more than a chasing after the wind.
Continue to check back as Shashi Dubey shares his wisdom and knowledge into the world of spiritual development, as well testimonies and stories from those who have encountered his teaching along the way.